Friday, July 31, 2009

And we're back

It's almost exactly one week after I hit that rock (To the hour, actually), and I'm finally making my way south. I'm leaving Whitehorse now, and will be heading down the Cassiar Highway, eventually to Jasper and Banff parks. I'm not sure when I'll be able to update again, but I will whenever I have internet.


Se eu tenho uma única sorte na vida, é com os amigos que eu tenho, vcs continuam sendo os melhores do mundo e apesar da vida que levo, PRECISO agradecer ter vcs na minha vida e dizer que vcs são parte de mim, e cada um de vcs são o que me ajuda a me mover, a levantar, a tentar enfrentar a vida, a tentar seguir em frente... são todos vcs que me ajudam a caminhar um pé atrás do outro. Preciso acrescentar o Douglas à lista de agradecimento...

Acho que todo mundo tem sua trilha sonora pra chorar. E tem hora que chorar ajuda muito a desabafar, botar pra fora o que a gente tá sentindo. Gritar. E bem, minha trilha sonora é:

Olha... o vídeo tá ruim, mas o som, perfeito como Pearl Jam sabe ser e a tradução bem feita... aliás, é uma das letras que eu mais gosto...

Essa dispensa comentários.

A letra dessa é foda...

Bem, a letra não tem muito a ver não, mas eu adoro essa música.

A letra dessa é outra fudida. Se tem horas que só Depeche e Portshead explicam, posso incluir Wolfs. (postaria a letra de novo se já não tivesse postado...)

E obvio (letra que vale conferir tb):

Essa aqui é pra quem é fã da dupla Massive Attack e Ports...

I'm so tired of playing
Playing with this bow and arrow
Gonna give my heart away
Leave it to the other girls to play...

Como o Youtube ainda tá com putisse ainda, então aqui só só uma lista...

Portishead - Only You

Massive Attack - Angel

Respira fundo...

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Er, not quite.

BLARG I spoke a little bit too soon. The gasket and crankcase parts are holding fine, no sign of any sort of oil leak, everything seems to be perfectly fine there.

But the starter fork is still acting up. On this bike, the starter gear is engaged to the flywheel by a spring-loaded solenoid that pulls a lever, moving the gear on a shaft. This appears to be sticking; when I try and start the bike, the solenoid doesn't appear to have the power to fully pull the lever. Before I took everything apart, it did slide smoothly, and now it takes a lot of effort, so something is going on.

Right now what I end up having to do is take off the drive gear cover (three allen bolts), and pry the drive lever collar outwards with a screwdriver, to un-stick it. Then I can hit the start button, and the starter engages the flywheel fine, and starts the bike without problems. Of course, it's quite annoying to have to pull out the tool bag every time I need to start the bike.

I've tried spraying some WD-40 on the whole mechanism, which hasn't done much. Right now, my most likely option is having to take the whole crankcase cover back off and muck around with the gears in there; an option I'd rather not do, not just for the PITA factor, but also because I'd have to drain out all of that $5/liter oil that I just put into the bike. Everything's expensive up here :\


IT WORKS! I win at the universe! Or at least motorcycle repair.

I spent the majority of today working on the bike, putting on the new (to me) crankcase cover. The crankcase itself had some small cracks on it, which I cleaned and JB welded before swapping all the parts from the old cover to the new one. I had to re-do it a couple times due to me first forgetting to put part of the clutch mechanism in, and then having it adjusted the wrong way, but with a good amount of liquid gasket, everything seems to be holding.

The only problem I've run into is that the starter gear solenoid fork seems to be sticking a bit. The first few times I tried to start the bike, the starter gear wouldn't engage. I pulled off the spring cover and moved it back and forth a few times manually with a screwdriver, it seems to be working okay now. Worst case scenario if this happens in the middle of nowhere, it's an easy fix to limp to town (take off three bolts and poke it with a screwdriver).

So it's looking like I should get out of here sometime tomorrow. I'm going to spend one more night here, take the bike into town and ride around some just to make sure the repair has a good chance of holding.

I'll try to remember to do a larger update on the repair before I leave here, with pictures and things.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Puppies make everything happy

I'm still in Whitehorse, waiting for another part to get in.  Due to my crankcase cover getting held up in customs, it won't be in until tomorrow.  Such is life.

I'm currently staying at the Motel/RV park next to the Yamaha dealer.  While technically they don't have tent camping, the operator is letting me pitch my tent behind some of their buildings, as well as use their internet, bathrooms and showers.  And she's even let me use their staff room as a sort of day-room, complete with a microwave and fridge.  In exchange for me staying here for almost free, she has me helping out with chores around the place, yardwork and cleaning stuff, things like that.  Things that young guys are good for.

But of all the things this campground is equipped with, nothing is better then Dawson.  Their 6-week-old Black Lab/Newfoundland mix (so yeah, he's small now, but expected to get to 150lbs)

I don't think there exists a happier puppy in the whole world.  What more could a dog ask for?  He's got this whole RV park to run around in, as well as the forests that border it on almost all sides, and a seemingly never-ending stream of people who are delighted to play with him and give him petting and hugs!  He's just painfully adorable to watch; running around the place tripping on his over-sized paws and bumping into things, pouncing on whatever moves and catches his ADHD puppy-brain's interest, and taking naps in the shade of trees.

We've totally become BFFs.  I think I broke some little girls heart yesterday, though!  This family pulled up in a mini-van, and two girls, probably sisters got out, probably like 6-8 or something.  And they saw Dawson, who ran up and started playing with them . . . until Dawson saw me walking over to the main office, and instantly ran away from the girls to come pester me for attention.

THE LOOK ON THOSE POOR GIRLS FACES.  Oh god, I felt like such a bad person.

Mau humor.

Dias e mais dias sem o sol aparecer. Ok, nem sou fã dele, mas a falta tá aumentando o meu mau humor. E chuva é extremamente desagradável. Odeio andar com o pé molhado. Essa porra já não esquenta nem com meia de lã, molhado me sinto com os pés num pote de sorvete. Eseiláondefoipararmeuguardachuva. Assim como tá incomodando ir dormir com duas blusas e ainda aguentar a coluna reclamando de dor. Se catar! Aí chega essa semana do mês em que eu já deveria estar com as contas de telefone PRONTAS aqui no consultório e mal comecei: tenho que correr com isso. Aí junta que a dupla mau-humor e depre se unem pra fazer um verdadeiro show nas minhas idéias, resultado? Só pode ser merda! E já me disseram isso antes. Eu nunca acredito, fazer oq? O dia já já acaba, e eu sinceramente não vejo a hora de chegar o fds. Ultimamente tem sido tão corrido que não tem dado tempo pra pensar em mta coisa, e qnt menos eu pensar, melhor. As vezes pensar me faz mal. Não consegui pegar no livro hoje. Não consegui fazer as contas. Não consegui fazer nenhum dos telefonemas importantes que eu precisava. Não consegui nem comprar meus doces, pra devorar durante o dia (sim, e isso ajuda sim, a ficar ainda mais amarga). Aliás, jiló é pirulito perto de mim hoje. Não estudei. Enfim, fiz porra nenhuma. Mas amanhã é outro dia, espero que o sol resolva aparecer, quem sabe assim, meu [bom] humor, quem sabe, resolve dar o ar de graça, não é?

Monday, July 27, 2009

Crankcase Cover is FUBAR, crankcase is okay.

Okay, so today I had the service guys look at the crankcase cover, and everyone universally agreed that there was NO WAY it could be welded. While it's difficult to see in the pictures, the whole area around the bolt hole is deformed, and the metal has mostly shattered into about 6 parts.

The crankcase itself could be welded, but I'd have to somehow push or tow the bike to a welding shop, and there's not any within quite a ways of where I am. So I'll probably clamp and JB-Weld it, and just go very easy on that bolt when I put it all back together.

I managed to get in touch with someone on the Virago Owner's Club message boards that just happened to have a spare left crankcase cover sitting around his garage, so he's shipping that up to me as soon as he gets the chance. I've ordered a new set of gaskets and seals for it through the Yamaha place, and they should be here Wednesday. If all goes according to plan, I could be out of here by then, or maybe Thursday, depending on how long it takes to get the actual crankcase cover.

Until then, I'm at the Mountain View Motel and R/V park. It's right along the Alaska Highway about 5 miles south of Whitehorse, big green sign advertising showers year-round. If anyone is passing through, stop by and say hi! If you need someplace to stay, I can wholeheartedly recommend this place, although they don't really do tent camping, their rooms are nice and clean and homey, the manager is fantastic, and they have laundry and wi-fi and everything.

Cinema [em casa]

Bom, lembram que há dias atrás eu coloquei que precisava ir mais ao cinema, correto? Pois é, fui atrás de cumprir isso. Ontem, eu e o Do fomos assistir Public Enemies. A história real de um gângster e suas 'travessuras'. O filme, que conta com o Johnny Depp, na pele do gângster John Dillinger, tinha já tudo pra ser bom, mas ainda contava com Christian Bale, na pele do agente Purvis (*suspiros*)... O foda é vc pagar pra ir no cinema ouvir uma RONCAEFUÇA atrás de vc. O filme que era um noir virou comédia de uma hora pra outra. Nas cenas de tiro ela simplesmente dizia 'pipoco' e roncava feito um porco... gente, que porra era aquela? Tipo, minha grande vontade era de quando eu me levantasse pra ir embora, cumprimentar o namorado dela, pq, cara, ele é FODA! Aguentar aquela mina chata tem que ser mto foda! Pior eu e o Douglas que pensamos exatamente a mesma coisa: 'a guria perdeu a virgindade ontem e tá feliz da vida!' Olha, ver filme com gente que fala é mto chato, ver filme com uma guria que fala bagaray e ainda ri feito um porco roncando, é mto pior. Mesmo nas cenas de maior tensão ela conseguia dizer 'pipoco' e se matar de rir. Eu me recuso a ir novamente naquele cinema, TODAS as vezes que fomos tinha algum imbecil, mas essa última foi a gota d'água. Quer assistir os filmes fodaços do cinema? Ou vá numa segundona bem cedinho ou espere sair na locadora mais próxima da sua casa, pq cinema, meobein, não dá mais.

(E o Douglas tá dizendo que aceita comprar e doações de livros e filmes noir, ficção científica e... o que mais mesmo? o.o)

Bom, editando só pra dizer, que agradeço a 'preocupação' do meu querido amigo Peu... eu to inconsolável! Quero ver Depeche no Brasil, buaaaaaa!! Esperava mto esse show, MUITO mesmo. É uma pena =/

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Status Update

Okay, here's where I'm at with the bike.

I spent the better part of six hours (not joking) in the Yamaha dealer's parking lot taking apart my bike. I did feel kinda bad-ass; people were dropping off their bikes for servicing by the factory mechanics, for incredibly minor stuff like oil changes and stuff, and there I am in the parking lot performing the motorcycle equivalent of hip surgery with basic hand tools and a leatherman.

Anyway. I got the crank case cover off, and this is what I found. The crankcase cover itself:

Not great, but I think it could be worse. I don't know if that can be welded, as it's almost shattered, but I might be able to tap it back together and JB-weld it. It's worth a shot, at least, I'll have to wait until Monday to take it to a welding shop and see what they thing.

As for the crankcase itself

Some small cracks, but I don't think they matter. They don't go to the outside and the hole isn't so badly mishapen that it won't accept another bolt.

My situation:

I'm camped in an R/V park next to the Yamaha dealer. They have free wi-fi, which is how I'm writing this. Actually, the story behind how I arranged to stay in this place is kinda funny, but I'll save that for another time.

I'll be here until Wednesday at MINIMUM. If I can get this thing welded, it's still going to take a couple days to get a new gasket in. But on the upside, I'll have internet until then, so maybe I'll get around to uploading more pictures and catching up on the trip report.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


FUCK. I rode up a short trail to find a spot to camp last night, and I dinged the bottom of the bike pretty hard on a big rock I hadn't seen. I didn't think anything of it at the time, but the next morning, I found the bike had no oil in it: There was what looked like a dinged bolt on the bottom of the engine, and the oil had leaked out of it.

I walked a couple miles to the nearest gas station and bought a few liters, and managed to hitch a ride back to the bike with a guy on an ATV. I packed everything on the bike, and just before I rode out, I put the oil in.

AW SCHNIT. The leak was way worse then I thought. I hurridly put on all my gear and rode back into town, stopping at a Yamaha dealer that I'd seen on my way out of town. I had my eyes on the oil light the whole way, ready to kill the engine the minute it came on.

I rolled into the dealer's parking lot in a cloud of blue smoke, with oil almost pissing out of the engine. And now I'm here, standing in their lobby on a computer they have hooked up to the internet.

Damage report: Punched a hole in the crankcase cover, at least, that's what I can see so far. I might have fux0red the crankcase as well. I'd be looking at a 2-3 WEEK wait to get a new part, at $250 for the part, and then maybe three hours of labor to do it, IF that's all that is broken. I'll have to pull off the cover to see, and that involves removing the starter, clutch cover, crash bars, footrests, and some other stuff. There is a possibility that I could pull it off and have it welded (It's cast aluminum), and re-thread the bolt hole, but I won't know until I pull it off.

I just found out the damage a couple minutes ago, so I'm still not sure what I'm going to do. I don't know if there's any inmates in Whitehorse I can stay with, so I'm going to check the ADV rider listing. If not, I might find a campground. I wonder if I can rent a bicycle anywhere?
Looks like I cracked a small allen blot on the crankcase. Leak is slow enough that if I can get some oil, I can ride it back into town to a shop.
Shit. Going up a trail to camp last night I dinged the bike hard on a big rock. I broke something, because all the oil has leaked out. Just south of Whitehorse.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Goodby, Alaska

Well, I'm just about to leave Alaska, and cross onto the Top of the World highway to Dawson. The border is closed now, so I won't pass through until tomorrow, and this connection is still to slow for a picture update.

I'm in a "town" called Chicken right now, I've spent the last couple days here panning for gold. Found maybe $15 worth, not enough to do anything with, but enough to look pretty in a vial. Weather has been mostly good, save for the rain coming out of Anchorage, it's been pretty damn great all the way up here.

And, as for my . . . friend that I met in Anchorage . . . I don't kiss and tell. :)

(At least, not on a publicly accessible blawg)

Japanese dragon Tattoos - Dragon Art

Japanese Tattoos Japanese Tattoos
Japanese Tattoos
Japanese Dragon Tattoos

Tattoo inspiration can come from anything, at any time. You might be sipping a cappuccino and enjoying some free Wi-Fi at the local Starbucks when somebody's crazy graphic tee sparks your interest. You could become captivated by a lush landscape scene while vacationing in Hawaii, or find yourself exceedingly intrigued by the ethereal beauty of a delicate geisha woman when traveling the streets of Japan.

Japanese Tattoos 123

Japanese Tattoos Japanese Tattoos
Yakuza TattoosYakuza Tattoos

The Japanese Tattoos 12

Koi Fish Tattoos Koi Fish Tattoos

Japan Tattoos

Japanese Tattoos - Tattoo Yakuza

Foo Dog Tattoo - Japanese Tattoos Foo Dog Tattoo - Japanese Tattoos
Traditional Japanese TattoosTraditional Japanese Tattoos
Traditional Japanese TattoosTattoo Furo2
Japanese tattoos and tattoo lettering are steeped in tradition, symbolism and mysticism. From their roots as religious symbols to their usage as signs of the Yakuza, to their current day popularity in the West, Japanese tattoos are unique to both the wearer and the artist. Find out about the different types of Japanese tattoos and tattoo lettering, before you decide to get one yourself.

Dragon Fly Tattoos - Japanese Tattoos

Dragon Fly Tattoos - Japanese TattoosDragon Fly Tattoos - Japanese Tattoos

Japanese Tattoos - Celtic Tattoos

Japanese Tattoos - Celtic TattoosJapanese Tattoos - Celtic Tattoos

Japanese dragon Tattoos - Dragon

Japanese dragon Tattoos - DragonJapanese dragon Tattoos - Dragon

Japanese tattoos Builder

Japanese tattoos BuilderJapanese tattoos Builder

Irezumi Japanese Tattoos

Irezumi Japanese TattoosIrezumi Japanese Tattoos


Nem é dia de postar.. mas depois que a Nana me passou o link que me fez achar meu finaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaado blog do blig, e de ter encontrado coisas que eu queria ter apagado do meu passado *like fotos trevosas que vcs resolveram divulgar internet a fora*, passei a tarde lendo:


Amado, idolatrado, salve e salve, QAP!

É, tem gente que eu conheço há mais tempo do que eu imaginava...

Japanese Tattoos Art 3

Japanese Tattoos Art 3Japanese Tattoos Art 3

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Autobahn, musica, tricô.

Oie pessoas!

Bom, meu aniversário foi assim... MARA! Vamos combinar que, fato, a discotecagem da noite não tava assim mil maravilhas, tocou Pet Shop demais e começou a ficar meio chato... aber, as companhias foram as melhores possíveis! Apesar de ter ficado com remorso de fazer as menines se deslocarem do reino de Tão Tão Longe para Nilópolis II, valeu cada segundinho! Déa, pontualíssima chegou a tarde em casa, Jijijoca chegou tão tarde e tão cansada que a pobrezinha tava quase parando no 'Point do Açaí II' pra pagodear com os manos. Fizemos ela resistir bravamente! Na hora da 'janta' o assunto foi o mais Fiona possível, como disse as menines, caminhoneiro sentiria vergonha na nossa presença! hahahah mas ri pacas, lavei a alma. Mana Keka e mano Léo (Vizinho/Rei do Autobahn/Dono do Harén) e o namor, Do, tb foram. E assim, de caravana, chegamos ao Autobahn, e depois de rir horrores em casa e no carro chegava a hora de dançar! Me lembro de ter saído correndo com a Déa, pra dançar Big Mouth, a voz ainda tá alterada, depois de exorcisar todos os demonios cantando Enjoy the Silence e Sending all my love (sim galëre, a música de 2 posts atrás rolou!), me lembro de ter pulado cantando Human League, me lembro de ter me contido com When in Rome, me lembro da cara do Leo sentado no sofá abraçado com a Ji e a Déa, me lembro que estrupamos a distância o Dave Gahan, me lembro de 'oi vc tem emessene?', me lembro de 'oipodemosconversar?' e do 'NÃO' que saiu em seguida, me lembro do bombeiro (HAHAHA), me lembro da Keka indignada pelo preço das bebidas, me lembro de lembrar da Foa qnd rolou Karma Chamaleon... Me lembro que tenho os melhores amigos do mundo, que colorem meus dias cinzas (ui!). Sem vcs eu não sei o que seria de mim, amo incondicionalmente!

Bom, mais uma das mil e uma coisas que tia Ju faz: tricô. Sim, além de tudo eu ainda sei tricotar, e na saudade das agulhas eu resolvi arriscar começar um cachecol com pontos simples...:

éééé, ainda não tá pronto, eu SEI! E nem tá lá mil maravilhas, mas pra alguém que não faz roupas de Barbie em tricô desde os 8 anos (sim, sei tricotear desde antes disso) até que não tá ruim não... o.o

Enfim, clichê da tia Ju, musiquinha com letra pra acompanhar. Sim, eu gosto de farofa, e isso inclui Aerosmith, e essa letra é mto boa...!

I'm down a one-way street

With a one-night stand, With a one track mind

Out in no-man's land

(The punishment sometimes don't seem to fit the crime)

Yeah there's a hole in my soul

But one thing I've learned

For every love letter written

There's another burned

(So you tell me how it's gonna be this time)

Is it over, Is it over

'Cause I'm blowin' out the flame

Take a walk outside your mind

Tell me how it feels to be

The one who turns the knife inside of me

Take a look and you will find there's nothing there girl

Yeah I swear, I'm telling you girl yeah 'cause

There's a hole in my soul that's been killing me forever

It's a place where a garden never grows

There's a hole in my soul, yeah I should have known better

'Cause your love's like a thorn without a rose

I'm as dry as a seven-year drought

I got dust for tears

And I'm all tapped out

(Sometimes I feel broken and can't get fixed)

I know there's been all kinds of shoes underneath your bed

Now I sleep with my boots on but you're still in my head

(And something tells me this time I'm down to my last licks)

'Cause if it's over, Then it's over

And it's driving me insane

Take a walk outside your mind

Tell me how it feels to be

The one who turns the knife inside of me

Take a look and you will find there's nothing there girl

Yeah I swear, I'm telling you girl yeah 'cause

There's a hole in my soul that's been killing me forever

It's a place where a garden never grows

There's a hole in my soul, Yeah, I should have known better

'Cause your love's like a thorn without a rose

If it's over, It is over

'Cause I'm blowin' out the flame

Take a walk outside your mind

Tell me how it feels to be

The one who turns the knife inside of me

Take a look and you will find

There's nothing there girl yeah I swear

I'm telling you girl, yeah 'cause

There's a hole in my soul that's been killing me forever

It's a place where a garden never grows

There's a hole in my soul, Yeah, I should have known better

'Cause your love's like a thorn without a rose

Japanese tattoo Art 2

tattoosJapanese tattoo Art 2

Traditional Japan Tattoo

Traditional Japan TattooTraditional Japan Tattoo

Japanese Tattoos,Safety Tattoos

Japanese Tattoos,Safety Tattoos

Koi Fish Tattoos

Koi Fish Tattoos

Japanese Tattoos Art 1

Japanese hand Tattoos
Japanese Tattoos Art 1japanese Body tattoos

Japanese category tattoos

Japanese tattoos :Chinnes - Dragon tattoo
Japanese tattoos : Flower

In loving memory tattoos

Gothic Tattoos
Phoenix Tattoos

In loving memory tattoos are used quite often in marking the passing of someone special. Their are huge gallery collections available online. They give options of combining, designing or just selecting from their collection.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Finally made it out of Anchorage, I was delayed by . . Someone.. Didn't leave till 9:30pm, got rained on all night. In Tok now, heading to Dawson, Canada.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Tattoos and Body Art on Hollywood Celebrities

Celebrity tattoos
Celebrity tattoos are becoming more and more visible and socially acceptable in mainstream pop culture these days. Angelina Jolie recently voted most sexy woman has plenty of tattoos and is probably the most famous and desirable celebrity with tattoos in Hollywood. Her tattoos to date consist of tribal dragons, a Thai tiger, and various Latin sayings across her shoulders and arms.

Celebrity tattoosThis surge in popularity of celebrity tattoos began in the 1960s. Lyle Tuttle the forefather of American tattooing tattooed Janis Joplin. Time was when tattoos were the preserve of those on the fringes of society but now it is not uncommon to see celebrity tattoos. Even super models such as Kate Moss and Sarah O'Hare strut around flashing their body art on the cover of glossy magazines or on the cat walk.

Actor Johnny Depp ranks as heavily tattooed for his caliber of talent and breadth of acting work. His tattooed arms are as often painted to be blank flesh as left with their own tattoos showing and incorporated into the character.

Vin Diesel is covered with a mix of modern tattoos styles, as befitting an underground government secret agent in the movie xXx. The character he plays agent X has one full sleeve, one partial sleeve, chest work and tattoos on his stomach.

As vampire slayer BLADE, Wesley Snipes has tribal blackwork on his arms, chest and back, as well as the sides of his head and the back of his nect. Pamela Anderson had her arm tattooed for real with a barbed wire armband for her role in the movie BARBWIRE. Following her split from husband Tommy Lee, (who is heavily tattooed) she had the "Tommy" tattoo on her finger edited to read "Mommy" in reference to her two sons. She also has tribal tattoos on the small of her back and a tattoo on her ankle.

celebrity tattoosMusicians have traditionally enjoyed more freedom than actors when it comes to body art. For movie stars having to transform into a different character each time they shoot a movie can be limiting especially if they are playing historical figures. But that has not stopped a lot of actors from getting tattooed in very visible places.

Historically rock stars were renowned for getting tattoos. The band Red Hot Chili Peppers are an example where the band members have a well-developed collection of tattoos. Singer Henry Rollins began his tattoo collection as the lead singer of Black Flag. Eminem continues to add to his tattoo collection but some critics have claimed that it will inhibit him if he wants to play a bigger acting role. Eminem's tattoos are a combination of a style that is typical of Hip Hop and R&B artists such as Justin Timberlake, 50 Cent and Pharrel.

Sakura Japanese Tattoos

Sakura Japanese Tattoos
The Sakura Japanese tattoos is beautifully tattoos for your body

Sakura Japanese Tattoos

Sakura Japanese TattoosSakura Japanese Tattoos

Japanese Tattoos Dragon Buster

Japanese Tattoos Dragon BusterJapanese Tattoos Dragon Buster

Modern Japanese Tattoos

Modern Japanese Tattoos
Modern Japanese Tattoos