Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Heart Tattoos Design

You have my heart – please be gentle with it. You’ve broken my heart for the last time. He / She is my heart. My heart can’t take this kind of rejection. I thought my heart would explode with joy. I swear my heart skipped a beat when I caught sight of him / her. He / She sets my heart on fire!

Tattoos have played a significant role in cementing this symbol for good. The one tattoo that seems to remind everyone of the love aspect, is the heart with a banner wrapped in front – the most popular banner stating, “Mom.” Bart Simpson walks into a tattoo shop and inquires about getting a “present” for his mother. Bart replies to the affirmative, and hops into a chair.

Just as the tattoo artist finished the “H” letter in “MOTHER”, Marge, his mom, pulls him out of the shop. Bart is left with a heart tattoo that reads, “MOTH” upon it. Marge spends the remaining Christmas money getting the tattoo removed. Ow – quit it. Ow – quit it.”

If you are interested in getting a heart tattoo, perhaps you may want to think about stopping at just the symbol.

[auto lembrete]

*Parar de ser stalker, sempre fico mal, ou no mínimo, pior.
*Parar de se importar tanto com os outros: nem todo mundo se importa assim comigo.
*Parar de achar que meus problemas são insolúveis: todo mundo tem os seus e bola pra frente.
*Parar de beber chá de erva-doce. Pelo menos não mais nessa semana.
*Aprender a me desapegar, seja de coisas ou pessoas.
*Aprender que nem tudo é como que quero, e que nem deve ser.
*Aprender que as pessoas reagem de formas diferentes aos mesmos problemas, eu sou eu, vc é vc.
*Aprender a não pedir favores pra certas pessoas: elas nunca o farão de bom gosto.
*Ir mais ao cinema.
*Me divertir mais.
*Rir mais.
*Dançar mais.
*Sair mais, mesmo que o tempo seja curto.
*Aproveitar mais cada momento do meu dia, seja ele bom ou ruim. A vida é curta.
*Aproveitar mais cada momento com as pessoas que eu amo, um dia, elas poderão não estar mais do meu lado.
*Aprender mais com as pessoas que me rodeiam: todo mundo tem uma lição pra passar. Inclusive eu pra vc.
*Aprender a ouvir conselhos: mesmo que eu não vá usa-los. (Sempre prefiro errar fazendo da minha forma...)
*Aliás, aprender a ser menos teimosa.
*Largar o consumismo de lado. Quem garante que meus filhos *cof cof cof* ouvirão as mesmas coisas?
*Comer mais coisa gostosa: foda-se a silhueta e a celulite.
*Cuidar mais da saúde.
*Marcar a hidratação no salão: meu cabelo vai começar a fazer barulho pra quebrar, de tão seco.
*Pintar menos o cabelo.
*Trabalhar menos (HA HA HA)
*Estudar mais.
*Dar um jeito de ganhar dinheiro, como diria o Márcio, próx vida quero ser pobre, pq ser miserável tá foda!

Aztec Tattoos

Aztec Tattoos PictureAztec Tattoos
Aztec Tattoos
Aztec Tattoos

Chiaki Yoshida, japanese hot babe

Chiaki Yoshida is one of Japan’s most popular gravure model, at 5 feet 6 inches tall, the sexy Chiaki Yoshida has graced many magazine cover in Japan. with her sexy and sultry looks make her look a natural in showing her curve, especially when she’s wearing a sexy swimsuit or bikini.

surely she is one of the hottest model from japan among other japanese hot sexy women such as: Reon Kadena, Risa Sawaki, Reona Suzuki, Mayu Kurihara,
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Monday, June 29, 2009

Gettin' way up there

Yup.  Getting way up there.

It's been raining all day, save for some very short periods where it simply looked like it was going to rain, before starting to rain again.  I'm very wet, and very cold.  And the library is closing in five minutes, so I can't make this a real post.  Ah well.  

Going to start heading west now, to the Liard highway.  Which isn't paved, and from what I'm told, is a muddy nightmare when it's wet.  Oh joy.  Wish me luck.

OMHIGAWD so you know what's TOTALLY AWESOME? Making oatmeal with hot chocolate instead of plain hot water.
So I went outside for my morning pee, and quickly discovered the one part of my body that I'd forgotten to put mosquito repellent on. ITCHY.

Pulso + Máico Jeckson

'Punho aberto', dizem os médicos que isso tem outro nome. Qualquer que seja, dói pra burro e meu pulso está chorando pra fazer qq movimento - excrusiviu digitar. Portanto serei breve: oquéi, tá todo mundo chateado com a morte do Máico e ao mesmo tempo de saco cheio de ligar a tv e só ouvir falar dele. Fazer oq? O cara era uma lenda... Cresci ouvindo Máico e se tinha um clipe que eu atorava era Black or White. Como o Youtubson desativou a a tag pra incorporar o clipe na página, vou apelar pra versão ao vivo do barato, só pra sentir o gostinho da minha finada infância... rs

Lov u all. Breve, convites de aniversário chegando =P

Tattoo - Angel

Angel Tattoo Designtattoo angel
tattoo angel
tattoo angel

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Its pouring rain, but I'm warm and dry in my tent, finishing a meal of spagettie carbonara w/bacon, and chocolate bars. Life is good.
Amped for the night just south of High Level, AB. Sun won't set for another 5 hours, but I want to stop at the library in town tomorrow.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

...Tattoo...>>Body Tattoo

You'd been thinking about getting a tattoo for a long time, and now that you've taken the plunge you're excited about what you're seeing. You know that the pain you went through getting the tattoo was nothing now that you see the results. Don't make the mistake, though, of thinking your job is complete. Without the proper care, your beautiful new tattoo can end up being your worst nightmare.
Its 10pm here, and the sun is still about half an hour away from the horizon. This northern latitude thig is wrecking havok on my circadian (sp?) rythem.

Part 3!

Going north of Winnipeg was . . .

Dammit.  Ontario and Quebec had been so pretty that I hoped people were wrong when they told me about the middle of Canada being crappy.  Oh well.  I camped for the night in a field, making sure to hang my food WELL away from the bike and tent.  I still had most of that sausage, and it smelled very strongly (of deliciousness!)

The next day started out beautiful.  It was sunny, and even though it was very windy, the wind was perfectly at my back.  It was ideal.  I stopped at a rest area, and even took the effort to make some noodles.

The weather didn't hold, though.  The skies ahead started darkening, and there wasn't any alternate route I could take to avoid them.

After stopping to put the rain gear on, I headed east on Rt 60.  It wasn't nearly as pretty as I hoped it would be, really was just kinda straight, flat and boring going through endless forest.  On the upside, I finally started seeing these signs:

Ah, desolation and remoteness.  That was what I came to Canada for.

I passed through one short shower, and hoped that was all the clouds were going to give.  Sadly, it wasn't.  I kept going west, then north, getting to Flin-Flon, where I made this video.  I know I'd posted it earlier in mostly-real time, but for continuity, here it is again.

The next day was better.  Not great, it was still cloudy and cool, but at least the wind wasn't too bad, and there was no rain.  The roads were still dull, with some minor exceptions.

About two hundred miles west of Flin Flon, I had a decision to make.  Do I stay on the nice, safe, paved roads, or was I feeling adventurous?  Should I take the unpaved road that would take me through much more remote areas, and at add at least a few hundered miles to my trip?

Well, I've not taken the safe roads at any other point in this trip, why would I start now?

Soon after, the road rewarded my choice of remoteness with one of the stranger things I've ever ridden by.


I wouldn't be a boy if I didn't stick stuff into random holes, would I?

The road varied from "Okay" to "blah".  Rarely did it ever get scary, but some parts were kinda washboarded.  (And I'm not sure if it was the rough road that caused it, but at one point I suddenly had to take the worst poo ever.  You know the kind that basically explodes out of you in a spray the second you get your pants down.  Yeah, you totally wanted to know that, didn't you.  Thank god I had TP!)

At one point, a sign directed me down what could be generously called a "road", promising sightseeing.

This was at the end of that road

As neat as that sounded, I wasn't quite up for a one-mile hike.  It was hot, and I was very low on water, only half a liter left.  And, I'm a wimp.  But we know that.  So, I headed back to the main road and kept going west.


Save for a small section along route 2 that was paved, I spent the rest of the day on gravel.  I was so remote that I probably could have just pitched my tent on the side of the road and not been bothered, but just to make sure, I headed down a sand path a mile or so, making sure it wasn't someone's driveway.

Deciding it was probably just an old logging road or something, I felt confident in not being pestered, and camped for the night about 100 miles east of Beauval.

Well, I think that's it for this round of updates, people.  The library I'm in is closing in 15 minutes, and I should probably try and actually get somwhere today. 

It's still 650 miles to the Northwest Territories from where I am now, and I'm not sure if/when I'll be in another town.  So if you don't hear from me for a couple weeks, it doesn't mean I got eaten by a bear.  Just that I'm in the middle of nowhere.

Peas out.

Lets try this again, part 2


The next day started out foggy and cold, but cleared up quickly, and by the time we made it to Thunder Bay, was perfect riding weather.

We found the Yamaha shop that I'd called ahead to, and I took a few minutes to install the new speedo cable.

Hooray for a working trip counter again! 

What does annoy me is that my odometer wasn't working for such a long period of time.  Meaning that I'll not have an EXACTLY accurate record of how long this trip was.  Going by google maps, it looks like I covered about 1400 miles with a non-working speedo, so in my head I'll have to add that to whatever the reading is on the odometer.

From Thunder Bay we kept going due west in the vauge direction of Winnipeg.  The scenery was pretty and the weather was great, so we made frequent use of the beautiful highway rest stops.  I took the opprotunity to break out the sausage I'd gotten the day before.

I do love a good wrapped sausage.

Another rest stop later on made a great spot to cook breakfast.  Oatmeal and hot chocolate, the breakfast of champions.

And from the "Pictures of myself next to funny signs" department:

(That "Safe Community" sign makes it even better)

Right outside of Emo (just across from that sign, actually) was one of the smallest churches I'd ever seen.

Finding the door unlocked, I poked my head inside.  It was indeed small, four people would be a crowd in there.

A note on the wall explained the history.

My dad signed the guestbook for us, thwarting my efforts to write something about the great Flying Spagettie Monster in it.

Flipping back through it, other people had some fun with it.

Heading north of Emo, we cleared an area of branches to camp for the night, and the next day, kept going north.


the scenery was fantastic . . . except for the roadwork. 

Oh, how I love gravel.

What made it INFIENTLY BETTER, though, was that I was lucky enough to get stuck behind a water truck spraying down the road.  It might help keep the dust down a bit, but it turned it into a sloppy hell for bikers.

You can't see me behind the water truck, BECAUSE THAT ASSHOLE IN THE CHEVY TRUCK WAS RIDING MY ASS THE WHOLE FUCKING TIME.  Yeah, that's an absolutly BRILLIANT idea.  Tailgating a biker on a sloppy, messy gravel/mud road in a construction area.  Dickhole.  If I'd lost it, I don't think there's any way that twatwaffle would have been able to avoid mushing me.  I hope someone can trace his plates and take a dump on his front porch.

Oooh, neato.

We took the scenic route, and passed into Manitoba sometime mid-day

As we made it to Winnipeg, we saw an OH HOLY CRAP THAT IS SO COOL

I don't think any vehicle has been turned into as many weird art projects as old VWs have.

The top hat makes it just perfect.

Winnipeg is . . . I wasn't impressed with the city.  We tried for an hour to find a hotel, and seemed unable to find someplace reasonably priced that wasn't attached to a bar/strip club, or seemed like the kind of place that rented by the hour.  The whole city, even the "downtown" area, had the feeling that it was kinda falling apart.

We found someplace that was okay, but who's internet was flakey and didn't work well.  (That was actually where I took and posted that video of me pulling a tick off my leg).  The next day, after taking like two goddamn hours to get my oil changed (no place had the filter, then when we found someplace that DID have the filter, the wouldn't take the old oil, so we drove all over the place to find someplace that would take it.

We did take photos of all that, but I had my camera set to full manual macro mode, so the pictures are effectively useless.  Ah well.  I'm blaming my dad for not noticing that something was wrong on the camera.

We parted ways at that point, I heading north, and him heading back to the real world.