Thursday, April 30, 2009

Tia Ju dodói + Depeche

Bom galëre, Tia Ju tá dodói e não está vindo trabalhar (quer dizer, hj eu vim, mas já to indo pra casa). Semana que vem eu conto as news e posto algo de bom pra vcs. Por hora, 'como nem tudo é só tristeza', a melhor notícia do ano:

Saturday, October 24th, 2009Sao Paulo, Brazil July 25th, 2009

Sim meus queridos, minha banda do coração, a mais amada de todas virá pro Brasil, tá no site oficial. (Viu Beria mar, bem no seu niver)

Até lá, que essa gripe maldita e essa porra de pressão baixa não me matem. Dia 25 de outubro posso morrer feliz...
(prestem atençaõ na letra, é boadimais)

In Your Room

In your room
Where time stands still
Or moves at your will
Will you let the morning come soon
Or will you leave me lying here
In your favourite darkness
Your favourite half-light
Your favourite consciousness
Your favourite slave

In your room
Where souls disappear
Only you exist here
Will you lead me to your armchair
Or leave me lying here
Your favourite innocence
Your favourite prize
Your favourite smile
Your favourite slave

I'm hanging on your words
Living on your breath
Feeling with your skin
Will I always be here

In your room
Your burning eyes
Cause flames to arise
Will you let the fire die down soon
Or will I always be here
Your favourite passion
Your favourite game
Your favourite mirror
Your favourite slave

I'm hanging on your words
Living on your breath
Feeling with your skin
Will I always be here

Will I always be here

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Zodiac Tattoo Design

Picking the Right Artwork For You

A Zodiac tattoo design is something that you have most likely put a lot of thought into. It doesn't matter which sign you are, there are so many special and different things that you can incorporate them on your body. If you are like most other people, you are looking for your artwork on the internet, also. Well, here is what you must know about much of the generic designs on the web, as well as how to locate the good stuff.

The first thing that needs to be brought up is the fact that there are still way to many people out there who are settling on designs that they are not completely happy with. I am talking about before they even get it inked. The yare picking artwork that they don't 100% like and they are getting it inked on their body. Don't ask me why some folks do it, because they just do. This might even happen with the Zodiac tattoo design they you choose, who knows.

When looking for that Zodiac tattoo design online, here is what you need to watch for...

The first and only thing that you need to know about has to do with the tools you are using to locate your Zodiac tattoo design. I am talking about search engines, which is what 98% of the people ion the web use to locate designs for tattoos. Using search engines to find a quality Zodiac tattoo design is a bad choice. Notice that I used the word "quality". That is because search engines don't bring you to very many websites that have true quality content. You can use the engines to find just about anything on earth, but relying on them to find quality tats is not something that happens very often.

I remember at time in the near past that you could actually use the right keywords in Google and up would pop the sites that you truly wanted. That doesn't happen much anymore, especially when it comes to finding good artwork for tattoos. Finding a good Zodiac tattoo design while using Google is like trying to shave with a banana. Almost every single place that you find through search engines will be cookie-cutter websites that have mostly generic art

This is art that wasn't even truly drawn to be made into real .tattoos. That's why they don't come out as good on yours skin as it looked on paper. Many people don't realize it, but by then it is a little bit too late. That will be a Zodiac tattoo design that you might just end up hating on your body in a few years time. Not only that, but most of the tattoos you find thorough Google and Yahoo are way over seven/eight years old. Old tattoos aren't necessarily a bad thing sometimes, but it is a bad thing if you are looking for the newest of the new stuff.

Here is how to locate any quality Zodiac tattoo design you want with minimal work...

There are many things in life that you can settle on. But tattoos are not even close to being one of them. I have seen it so many times where people rush into their decision and settle on something "just to get it done". This is why you will want to find out just how useful an internet forum can be at finding quality artwork for your Zodiac tattoo design. I say this as someone who continues to use them to this day and am never disappointed. Forums are absolutely loaded with unique insider knowledge about tattoos and the hidden websites that have tons of it, even for a Zodiac tattoo design.
Cancer tattoo,tattoo

You will find many posts and links to sites that have just what you are looking for. The best part about it is that these tend to be the places that have real artwork that was drawn by real artists. This means you will be able to find a zodiac tattoo design that will look just as good inked on your body as it looked on paper.

rahma azhari

another beauty, sexy model from azhari clan, Rahma Azhari on her own right is a hot model but she never get an award like her sister Ayu Azhari who won the best actress nominations in Indonesia. nevertheless she was a hot gossip for the infotainment when she was photographed nude, topless, and her nude photos circulated in the internet.
rahma is hot !
Rahma sexy pose
Rahma Azhari in yellow lingerie in Maxim man's magazine

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ayu azhari

ayu azhari getting some tan and relaxing by the white sandy beach, nice bikini shot. wondering if she ever pose in Gstrings ? would be awesome ! before she is getting old for the stuff.

ayu azhari by the beach in hot bikini photoshot.

in loving admiration and memory of Ayu Azhari, actress, beautiful model, hot model, hot asian babe, indonesian babe, sexy model, swimsuit, asian girl, pretty asian girl, pakistani babe, gadis cantik, foto model dari Indonesia

red hot mama dance on the beach

ayu azhari, indonesian actress and model Let skip a few years back in time, while ayu azhari still young and hot bikini model. Here she was exposing her body to the morning sun on the beach. Her photo is kind of out of date and obsolete i was just about to delete it, when it occured to me it's better to share it with you guys. As a matter of fact, there are still many guys out there google-search ayu azhari photos.

alannys weber bikini shot

Beautiful Alannys Weber is hot model from Indonesia, she poses in swimsuit and bikini so elegantly.

alannys in black bikini, .... so awesome
alannys in pink bra top match perfectly with her beautiful curved hot body........ awesome.

beautiful model, hot model, hot asian babe, indonesian babe, sexy model, swimsuit, asian girl, pretty asian girl, thailand, filipino, indonesian, chinese hot model, eurasian babe, gadis cantik, foto model dari Indonesia

Japanese Tattoos

japanese tattoo,tattoo,tribal tattoo
The Unkown History of Japanese Tattoos

Japanese history goes back thousands and thousands of years. Early Japanese people were well known for their skills in artwork of jewelry, metal, and even weapons. They were warriors as well, regarded as fierce fighters by the Americans. Throughout Japan, there are many examples and evidence of artwork and Japanese Tattoos.

Over the years, modern Tattoos evolved and established symbols for themselves along the way. Throughout North America, people often wear japanese tattoo,tattoo,tribal tattoothese symbols to let others know that they are a Japanese descent. The symbols and knowledge have been passed down through the years, as there is little no written history. Tattooing however, keeps the tradition alive with the infamous Japanese lettering Tattoos and other popular designs.

Most tattoo designs come from Japan, where the evidence of history is very strong indeed. The Japanese College found in Japan, contains many manuscripts that document the heritage and symbols. The height of tattooing however, occurred during the era when stone and metal work was really popular.

Japanese lettering tattoos are some of the most popular and most common designs, featuring loops with no end that symbolize a never ending cycle of dying and rebirth. There are also animal tattoo designs as well, which are japanese tattoo,tattoo,tribal tattoosimilar in design to the knot tattoos, although the cords in the design normally terminate in heads, tails, and feet. The lettering tattoos designs are normallynever ending, unless an individual adds an end to symbolize a spiral.

The meaning behind the lettering in Japanese tattoos defies any type of literal translation and is found at a much deeper level. The interlacing of the lettering expresses the repeated crossing of both physical and spiritual elements. The strands and their never ending path is a popular design for Japanese tattoos, representing life, faith, and love. For many years, Japanese have used these designs for emotional as well as heritage purposes.

japanese tattoo,tattoo,tribal tattoo

Those who are from a Japanese descent, normally find a tattoo to be a great way to express their heritage pride. These tattoos help to reestablish pride, and give tribute to one's ancestors. The tattoos aren't easy to do, most taking several hours. Unlike other tattoo designs, Japanese tattoos are among the hardest designs in the world.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Tiara Lestari bali vacation

Tiara Lestari hot photo shoot at Bali beach wearing leopard bikini,
Indonesian dream girl Tiara Lestari looking gorgeous under noon day sun by the surf on hot Bali beach. her body tan get darker and body sweat glitter through her sexy body. She is the perfect choice for bikini. brown sugar definetely taste so sweet.

beautiful asian lady and hot bali beach are perfect match of a tropical paradise,

Tiara Lestari the wonderful javanese babe, winding away in bali bungalow

Maldição =P

Poste uma foto sua com alguém especial ou uma foto comprometedora!

Foto totally trevas comprometedora.

Amaldiçoar 4 pessoas:
Luli, Bibi, Jo e Dil

Avisar aos amaldiçoados sobre a maldição.

Cada pessoa amaldiçoada deve dizer 10 coisas aleatórias sobre si:

1. Chata
2. Pentelha
3. Movida por música
4. Sensível demais
5. Chorona
6. Procrastinadora
7. Boca suja
8. Tenho cara de sonsa, mas acredite: não sou.
9. Também sou movida por doces
10. Amo demais e odeio na mesma proporção

Nome: Juliana Amaral

Que dia é hoje?

Que horas são?
3:11 p.m.

Quantidade de velas no seu último bolo de aniversário.

Furos nas orelhas?
3 de cada lado

Não, ainda.

Tirei e pretendo recoloca-lo.

Já foi à África?

Já ficou bêbado?
Alegre conta? Ok, uma vez.

Já chorou por alguém?

Já esteve envolvido em algum acidente de carro?

Música Preferida?
Fallen angel - L'âme Immortelle
Home - Depeche mode
In your room - Depeche

Cerveja ou Champagne?
Os dois

Metade, cheio ou vazio?

Lençóis de cama lisos ou estampados?

Filme preferido?
Trilogias Senhor dos Anéis, Matrix e os Harry Potter =P

Coca–Cola simples ou com gelo?
Com gelo, mas MUITO gelo

Quem dos teus amigos vive mais longe?
Fernandas (Foa e Beira Mar)e Fabrício.

Melhor amigo(a)?

Quantas vezes você deixa tocar o telefone antes de atender?

Qual a figura do seu mouse pad?
Não uso.

CD preferido?
Mezzanine - Massive Attack
Gezeiten - L'âme Immortele
If Then Else - Gathering

Mulher bonita?
Minha mãe!

Pior sentimento do mundo?
Amor [2]

Melhor sentimento do mundo?
Amor [2]

O que uma pessoa não pode ser para ficar com você?

Qual o primeiro pensamento ao acordar?

O que eu faço agora?
Trabalhando, acredite.

Se pudesse ser outra pessoa, quem seria?
Eu mesma, versão rica e (mais) inteligente.

Algo que você nunca tiraria de você?
Meus pequenos prazeres.

O que é que você tem debaixo da cama?

Qual a sua banda preferida? Quantos shows dela você já assistiu?
Depeche, L'âme e Diary of Dreams. Nenhum show, mas se tudo der certo vejo Depeche esse ano.

Quem é o seu autor favorito? Quantos livros dele você já leu?
Gaiman, Baudelaire, Tolkien, Dan Brown, Scott Cunningham. Nem sei - mais de 4, 2, 2 1\2, 3 1\2, 5.

Uma frase?

Qual livro você está lendo?
Enciclopédia de wicca na cozinha, Scott Cunningham
O Senhor da Chuva - André Vianco

Uma saudade?
De mtas coisas.

Uma característica?

Quem acha que vai responder mais rápido?
Nem sei se vão! [2] Mas talvez a Bibi

Acredita em vida extraterrestre?
É mto egoísmo achar que estamos sozinhos aqui né? Mas tenho medinho!!! (mas tenho mais de borboleta)

Chão ou parede?
Depende o que se vai fazer.

Som alto ou música ambiente?
Som alto, MUITO alto.

Quantas pessoas já beijou?
11, eu acho.

E quantas(o) amou?
Amo mta gente...

O que anda ouvindo?
Synth pop sempre, Trip Hop...

O que anda comendo?
afffffff.. prefiro não comentar...

Ritmo, cor, fruta e bebida:
Synth, preto, morango, coca.

Lugar, época e saudade:
Desão e Lagão, período escolar, saudades de tudo.

Com quantos anos você aprendeu a viver?
Quem falou que eu já aprendi?? [2]

Pq nem só de trevosidades...

... vive Tia Ju. Musiquinha do arco da velha, boa pra cacete. Pq Phil Collins é mara!! (e pq ando sem total inspiração pra postar!)

Another Day In Paradise

She calls out to the man on the street
"sir, can you help me?
It's cold and i've nowhere to sleep
Is there somewhere you can tell me?"

He walks on, doesn't look back
He pretends he can't hear her
Starts to whistle as he crosses the street
Seems embarrased to be there

Oh, think twice
Cuz it's another day for you you and me in paradise
Oh, think twice
Cuz it's another day for you
You and me in paradise

Think about it

She calls out to the man on the street
He can see she´s been crying
She's got blisters on the soles of her feet
She can't walk but she's trying

Oh, think twice...

Oh, lord, is there nothing more anybody can do?
Oh, lord, there must be something you can say

You can tell from the lines on her face
You can see that she´s been there
Probably been moved on from every place
'cause she didn't fit in there

Oh, think twice...

It's just another day
For you and me in paradise

Sunday, April 26, 2009

leah dizon, eurasian dream girl

young and sweet and sexy leah dizon, i love it when she is holding her boobs like that
super filipino babe, her eyes looks so charming
sexy in pink lingerie
leah dizon bubble bath
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Leah Dizon c'est top model

Leah Dizon, super hot model. A mixture of filipino, chinese and french brings out a very nice flavour. Asian sensuality and exotic. a successful gravure model in the USA.

Leah Dizon, hot babe, in sexy lingerie

Leah Dizon sexy filipino

asian hot babe | sexy lingerie | g-strings | lovely lady | Leah Dizon | filipino hot babe
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Newsflash: There is nothing interesting around Chicago.

As a sort of practice run before I leave for my long trip, I decided to take advantage of a few days of good weather for an overnight trip somewhere out west.

Given that this was only for one night, I didn’t bother with my seat bag for clothes, nor did I bring my big camera. Everything I needed for this fit pretty easily into the saddlebags, with the tent poles and sleeping pad strapped on top.

The downside of living in Chicago is that we’re surrounded by flatness for many miles in any direction, so you have to ride for a couple of hours just to find anything fun. South of Rockford I took highway 2 down the river, which tempted me with signs like this.

It was scenic, but I wouldn’t call it twisty.

I tried some side roads, which were fun, but fairly residential.

Around mid-day I got into Dixon, which has large parts of it that look like this.

Pretty sexy looking. Some urban exploring would have been fun, but not while wearing a neon yellow suit.

I grabbed some vital supplies at a grocery store (for some reason I'd forgotten to bring anything in the way of snackables) and headed west.

Now, I need to firmly state that Iowa sucks balls. Most of it looks like this:

With the help of my GPS, I was able to try and find some things that turned occasionally, but nothing twisty enough to actually be fun. Just slightly less monotonous.

I managed to find the only rainstorm in the area on a day that was forecast to be clear. My suit and gear is waterproof, but I hadn't brought the rain covers for my luggage. I hid in a gas station for a few minutes until the worst of it passed, although it did shower on and off for a while. For some reason mid-grade here is cheaper then regular. I'm guessing it has something to do with ethanol subsidies.

Later in the afternoon, I started looking for someplace to camp (without having to spend any money). I got off the minor highway that I was on, and that side road soon turned into this:

And then the gravel ran out, and it turned into this:

And then this

On a dirt or trail bike, that wouldn't have been a problem. On a 500lb+ cruiser? It was dicey. I was INCHES away from dumping the thing over a couple times I think the only thing that saved me was a childhood wasted doing stupid things on bicycles, and repeating the words of my MSF instructors in my head (KEEP YOUR EYES UP! DO NOT LOOK DOWN, IF YOU LOOK DOWN, YOU WILL GO DOWN)

After puttering around a bit, I settled on an area that I thought would be sufficiently out of the way and give me some sort of concealment. At that point, I decided to try and be cool and talk at the camera for a bit. I always envision myself sounding and looking cool and composed when I do these. Then I watch them and remember just how much of a dork I am.

At this point I wished I had my real camera, not just my point-and-shoot, as it didn't do that well trying to get a picture of my campsite in the very quickly dwindling light.

I'm not sure I'm sold on this tent yet. It was free from my dad, but it's freaking huge. I worry about being able to hide it that easily when I'm trying to camp in other locations that aren't as remote. On the other hand, the vestibule is great, and I suspect it will be really nice if I'm stuck someplace for a while due to horrible weather or something.

I packed everything up must faster then I thought I would, and after getting suited up, was gone by the time the sun peaked over the horizon. It was a VERY foggy morning. At many points it was way denser then this picture, it was impossible to keep my visor clear and at times even going 35mph felt WAY too vast, I couldn't see jack shit due to the fog.

Eventaully the sun burned it away, and I continued heading north through small towns.

I am SO mature. Srsly though, I don't know how they could call this a town, it was one street and didn't even have a stopsign. It did have a senic pull-off with a good veiw, though.

I eventually made it back to the Mississippi river, which provided some more interesting roads, and was fairly scenic.

At some point, I crossed into Wisconsin, and continued heading up the river. This is where things started to get fun. The terrain got more rugged, and the road builders seemed to have gotten much less agressive with blasting the road through hills, instead just making the road twist around them. Not REALLY agressive corners, but it was very pretty. Lot of other bikers on this road, too. Some other adventure-rider type people, but most of them were Harley guys in full pirate gear.

About this point is when I discovered the joy of the Wisconsin County Roads. They were darting back and forth from the river to Rt 27, in these ten mile long jaunts through valleys and serving rural farms. They were very lightly traveled (I rarely saw any other cars on them), and devilishly twisty. Most of them looked like this!

It was AWESOME. I'm not a skilled rider by any means, but I couldn't do most of these turns much faster then 40mph, and at some points was starting to scrape my heels on the ground (although on this bike, that doesn't mean a very aggressive turn, the pegs are set very low and wide). The roads would wind up vallys, and when they weren't hugging tight little corners, they were giving way to long, broad sweeping turns with great scenery.

By this time, though, I was pretty far north, and had to get back at a reasonable hour to Chicago. Sadly, this meant having to ride through central and southern Wisconsin. Which as most of us know, sucks even harder then Iowa.

At least they have some hippys making electricty, though

And I don't know why I found this sign so funny. I think it's the general 50s-tasticness of the guy.

That's all I've got for pictures, as the rest of the ride was just the horribleness that is the area that surrounds us. To make it worse, I was heading directly into a 30mph headwind the entire goddamn way. doing 45mph felt like doing 80. At that point, I was just booking it home as quickly as I could. I'd got on the bike at 6am that day, and didn't get off (except for gas stops) until 8pm. I did almost 650 miles, and my shoulders were feeling every bit of it.

So, thats that. The windshield was just delivered, and I need to figure out a way to mount this backrest I got off e-bay. There will be another ride sometime in the next couple of weeks to get it sorted, and I am still shooting to leave on May 9th for the big trip.

Peas out.